Friday, May 15, 2015

Fluff Friday 5/15

Welcome to my first installment of Fluff Friday. I am really excited to make this a weekly addition to my blog. I have just recently started cloth diapering my son and I have quickly become a huge advocate of it and I have absolutely fallen in love with cloth diapering. Less than a month ago I did a guest blog about cloth diapering and I welcome you to go read it here. It kind of quickly covers the starting phase of my cloth diaper journey.

I wrote a lot about what the beginning of my cloth diapering journey was like. I will eventually repeat everything in that post but a lot of the topics will become their own blog post here. This week I will talk about what Fluff Friday is going to be and talk about the cloth diaper trial I did recently.

I am going to start by talking about what my vision for Fluff Friday is. Fluff Friday is going to be a place for me to talk about all things cloth diapers. I will also do cloth diaper and cloth diaper related product reviews to keep with the theme of my blog. For example in the coming weeks I will be reviewing Glow Bug diapers, and hopefully a few more brands as well. As for cloth related products I will review laundry detergent, cloth diaper safe diaper creams, and possibly even diaper liners. (I have yet to try liners so we will see) We will also cover all topics of cloth diapers such as wash routines, night time diaper solutions, cloth diaper pails, day time diapers, finding the right fit, and even picking the right cloth diapers for your family. I want this to be a place where people who are considering cloth diapers can find honest answers and my thoughts about all things cloth diapering. I know many of you are thinking there are already so many even possibly too many places to go looking for information about cloth diapers. I feel like I can bring something different to the table then all the other sources out there. First, I feel like getting answers from someone who was very skeptical is something that is not out easily found right now. Second, I feel like there are not any places to read answers from someone who is still very new to cloth diapering, and see how things work for them and how their views on different things change as time goes on. These are two points I hope to cover in every post I make.

When it comes to trying cloth diapers I highly recommend a cloth diaper trial I did mine through a store that is semi-local to me, but also ships called The Natural Baby.

Their cloth diaper trial is only $10 for three weeks and is awesome. You basically tell them what kind of diapers you are interested in or they can help you pick what you want to try and they will give you about about a days worth of diapers to try. They will give you a variety of the different types of diapers you were interested in to see if cloth diapers are right for you without having to invest a bunch of money and it not work out for you. At the end of your three weeks you give/send back what you don't like and only buy what you do like. There are many other cloth diaper stores out there that offer cloth diaper trials, but in my research I found that most if not all cost more then $10. For me after day one of cloth diapers I was sold and used the three weeks to find good deals on diapers and the prefect diaper brand for us. The fact is that there are bunch of different kinds of cloth diapers and once you figure out the kind you like there are probably a hundred different brands of cloth diapers to choose from and each one is different. But when you find the right brand you will know and you will want to buy all the diapers. 

Please comment with any cloth diaper topics you would like to see me cover. 

I did not receive any compensation in exchange for this blog post. 

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